The show was broadcast on FOX, ABC, NBC, and CW stations in 17 markets across the country, and features viral-worthy comedy, outstanding music, and with guests that fly in from shows like The Office, Parks n Rec, Sportscenter, Seinfeld, Mad Men, and more.

The Mystery Hour is hosted by 4 time Emmy award winner, Jeff Houghton, formerly of the Late Show with David Letterman, who started a show only for a live audience in a basement improv theatre in a mid-sized city in the Midwest, and grew it into syndication. The show completed 10 seasons and 225 episodes before moving to live shows, digital content, and touring shows.

You make first recognize The Mystery Hour for megahits, Instagram Husband, Make Something Where You Are, Unnecessary Bouncer, or many more.

The Mystery Hour is known for an incredible live show experience as well, as it was the highest attended late night talk show per taping in the country boasting live crowds up to 900 people.